Thank you to the Evangelism Commission for hosting Coffee Hour; next week, the Parish Life Commission will host for Homecoming Sunday.
Upcoming Events and General Announcements
Our next volunteer opportunity at Open Arms is 15 September at 10:00 am. Join the Outreach Commission and help cook and package food for people living with chronic illness. It’s a lot of fun, and no experience is necessary! Please sign-up on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office.
All newcomers are invited to attend our Fall Newcomer Social on Thursday, 27 September at 6:00pm. You can find more information by visiting any of our Information Centers (underneath the announcement monitors at church) or by contacting our Rector
Painting Project Progress: Thank you for your generosity thus far! Our goal is to finish fundraising by 16 September. You can mail or drop off your contribution to Saint Paul’s, with “Painting Project” in the memo. If you have any questions, please see Jennica Date or Jacob Manier. Thanks again!
Gift Cards for God: Bring your unused gift cards to the church over the next few week and help us listen to our neighbors. The New Vision Committee is ready to send out our community survey to our neighbors, and your gift cards will help entice our neighbors to provide feedback. Any gift card will do, so long as it can be used locally or online.
Grow your faith and sign up for The Path, Youth Confirmation, The Apostle Paul Class, and more! Sign-up sheets for Faith Formation classes can be found at any information center around the church (underneath the announcement monitors).
Meetings of Saint Paul’s Vestry are open to all who wish to attend. The next meeting will be Monday, 17 September at 7:00pm in the Thurston Conference Room. Minutes of past meetings will be on our website soon; until that time, you can find a reference copy of all approved minutes in a box across form the Rector’s office or by contacting the Clerk of the Vestry, Jeff Gosnell.
The Episcopal House of Prayer in the City invites all to join for their weekly Contemplative Prayer Practice each Monday at 6:30pm in the Auxiliary Classroom at Saint Mark’s Cathedral. Whether you are looking for a way to revitalize your prayer life or just searching for space and quiet, pray-ers of all abilities are welcome. If you are new and would like an orientation, feel free to come at 6:00 pm. More details and directions are here.
Community Coffice™ Hours in September will be held at Common Roots Cafe on Lyndale Avenue every Wednesday from 10am-3pm. Feel free to drop in or make an appointment.
Prayer Calendar
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Episcopal Homes of Minnesota, Episcopal Group Homes, Guardian Angels, all other institutions that do ministry for and with the elderly, as well as local senior residential facilities and care centers. We pray for the 161st Convention of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota to be held September 14-15 in Mankato. We also pray for the parish of Grace (Wabasha).
On our Parish Prayer List, we pray especially for Adeline, Anna and Steve, Bob, Dianne, Eva, Greg, Harvey, Jennie Beth, Joan, John, Karen, Kate, Katherine, Kathy, Krista, Laura, Liz, Mary, Nancy, Natalia, Norman, Pat and Steve, Philip, Richard, Sue, Susan, and the Coopergard and Paulson families.
From the Organ Bench
Serving This Sunday
Curt Kullberg usher
Pat Trumbull crucifer
The Rev. Marcus G. Halley presider
The Rev. Barbara del Caro Scaia deacon
Jennica Date & John Harrer lectors
Craig Carnahan intercessor
Gary & Marcy Wegner eucharistic ministers
Jacob Manier organist-choirmaster
Kathy Kullberg master of ceremony
Team I altar guild
Meredith Johnson & Jill Westendorp vestry tellers
Evangelism Commission
coffee hour hosts
Coffee Hour Corner
From the Pulpit
Catch up on our most recent sermons
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon
IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN [May 31, 2020] The following is the text of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon from the Washington National Cathedral service that was live-streamed on...
We All need a Lazarus Story
IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN I firmly believe that this deep story of Lazarus is a gift to us today. Wouldn’t we all right now want an experience to ‘just take all of this Coronavirus away’?...
Forward Movement
Forward Movement is offering an array of free resources to support individuals, families, and groups as they worship and pray at home.As we face a coronavirus pandemic, some churches are canceling worship services and other gatherings to slow the spread of...
Jesus said to her,
"I am the resurrection and the life."