This Sunday at Saint Paul's

The Office of Morning Prayer is said each Sunday from 8:00-8:30am in the Chapel. All are welcome.

Thank you to the Altar Guild for hosting Coffee Hour this week; next week, the Faith Formation Commission

Thank you Veterans

NEW! View The Year in Photos

(thanks to Angie Paulson for compiling and creating the video!)

Hands to Service

Groveland and Joyce Uptown Food Shelves joyfully receive Saint Paul’s weekly donations. Our theme for June will be BBQ/picnic accompaniments (chips, baked beans, brownie mix, etc). Please bring items to church as part of your weekly offering, and place in baskets in the Narthex.

Food Shelf Challenge – bring SIX items during the sixth month!

The Bridge for Youth is seeking a partnering organization –which could be Sant Paul’s– to assist with gardening projects this summer. Want to use your green thumb to guide young people? Read more details here.

Upcoming Events and General Announcements


31 MAY: The deadline for inclusion in Saint Paul’s printed parish directory is MAY 31. Please contact any member of the Evangelism Commission with questions, or to get your family entered. Don’t be an addendum!

1 JUNE: Mark your calendars for Saint Paul’s Spring Clean-Up Day; rakes and shovels will fly at 8:30am, and lunch will be provided. Bring gardening gloves if you have them. Sign up on the bulletin board by the Nursery.

5 JUNE: Saint Lydia’s Circle, a prayerful ministry of the older and wiser women of our parish, will meet this week (and all first Wednesdays) at 1:00pm in the Bishop Kellogg Room. You are invited to bring a bag lunch and join us.

9 JUNE: Come dressed in red and be red-y to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost at the 10:00am liturgy! We will be baptizing Sara-Katherine Koening (daughter of Errik and Whitney-Lehr), and commemorating the confirmations of Joe Austrian, Max Diaz, Audie Munn, and John and Simon Struyk. Please join us!

11 JUNE: The final author reading of The Hidden One will be held at 7:00pm. Join our own Norm Mitchell for intrigue and insights at 6800 France Ave, Suite 580 in Edina.

Have you taken a Faith Formation class at Saint Paul’s? Never taken one, but have ideas or needs? Please take a moment to fill out this anonymous survey and help us create interesting, helpful, and innovative class offerings. Paper copies of the survey can be found in the Parish House.

Arriving for Pentecost: a new printed Parish Directory! The project kicked off on Easter Sunday, and continues through this month. Be sure to check your entry for completeness, provide missing info, and get your family’s picture submitted (or snapped on-site) during coffee hours in May for our own Book of Faces.

Consider a donation of flowers to enhance the beauty of the liturgy this summer – remember loved ones, a special occasion, or offer a special prayer request. You may select a specific date from 16 June through 30 October, and your memorial will be printed in the weekly digital E-pistle and Sunday bulletin announcements. Suggested donation for two vases of flowers is $45. Please talk to Kathy Kullberg of your request, then remit payment with a check made out to Saint Paul’s, noting Altar Guild flowers and the date.

Two of our tenants have outgrown their rental spaces in the Beim House, and will be moving elsewhere at the end of June. If you know of any non-profit organizations in need of space, please contact Junior Warden Beth Carlson.

Saint Paul’s Author Forum: Are you or someone you know a creator of written word? Read here about the formation of an Author Forum.

Two of our tenants have outgrown their rental spaces in the Beim House, and will be moving elsewhere at the end of June. If you know of any non-profit organizations in need of space, please contact Junior Warden Beth Carlson.

The Episcopal House of Prayer in the City invites all to join for their weekly Contemplative Prayer Practice each Monday at 6:30pm in the Auxiliary Classroom. Whether you are looking for a way to revitalize your prayer life or just searching for space and quiet, pray-ers of all abilities are welcome. If you are new and would like an orientation, feel free to come at 6:00pm.

Food Shelves

Have you taken the Saint Paul’s Food Shelf Challenge?
It’s the SIXTH month of the year, so the challenge is to bring SIX items in JUNE.
Only six items spread across the whole month of JUNE?? That’s just one each week – you can do it!

Pastoral Care

If you have need to be visited by a member of our Pastoral Care Team (including our rector or deacon), want to request prayer for yourself, place someone’s name on the parish prayer list, or simply want to make someone aware of an acute or ongoing need, please click the button below.

Father Marcus’s office hours at Saint Paul’s are on Mondays and Wednesdays, 9am-5pm. To make an appointment, please contact him directly.

Recurring Events


Mon 6:30p
Contemplative Prayer

1st Wed 1-3p
Saint Lydia’s Circle

3rd Mon 7-9pm
Vestry meeting


Prayer Calendar

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the all members of the Anglican Communion around the world.

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for all academic graduates, educational institutions, and specialized chaplaincies in those institutions, especially ECMN’s School for Formation, Breck School, and Shattuck-Saint Mary’s and their chaplains; University Episcopal Community; and all those who work with campus ministries. We also pray for the parish of the Ascension (Stillwater).

Our Parish Prayer List in its entirety can be found here.

Our Parish Prayer List can be found here.
If you wish to be visited by a member of our Pastoral Care Team (including our rector or deacon), request prayers for yourself or someone else on the Parish Prayer List, or simply make someone aware of an acute or ongoing need, please e-mail [email protected].

This list is maintained to assist you in praying for the parish and the larger community throughout the week. To add your friend or loved one to this list, e-mail Deacon Barbara with your request and any additional details: [email protected]. Your request will be shared with our pastoral care team, as well as Saint Paul’s clergy.

From the Organ Bench

Choir Diary for 10:00am Eucharist

Voluntary: Ground (Henry Purcell)
Psalm: Psalm 67 (Zachary Wadsworth)
Anthem: Thy Perfect Love (John Rutter)
untary: Prelude and Fugue in F, BWV 556
                 (J.S. Bach)

Serving This Sunday

Paul Carlson
Helen Lockhart

Steve Clarke
Curt Kullberg

Tom Lockhart

The Reverend
Marcus G. Halley

The Reverend
Barbara del Caro Scaia

Jill Westendorp
John McDaris

Julie L’Enfant &
Norm Mitchell
eucharistic ministers

Jacob Manier

Charles Peterson
master of ceremony

Team I
altar guild

Beth Carlson
Lu Whitney
vestry tellers

Altar Guild
coffee hour hosts

Father Marcus’s office hours at Saint Paul’s are on Mondays and Wednesdays, 9am-5pm. To make an appointment, please contact him directly


The Reverend
Marcus G. Halley


The Reverend
Barbara del Caro Scaia


Jacob Manier



Jacob Reeves

Kelly Belanger

Meredith Johnson
vestry senior warden

Beth Carlson
vestry junior warden


From the Pulpit

Catch up on our most recent sermons

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon

  IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN [May 31, 2020] The following is the text of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon from the Washington National Cathedral service that was live-streamed on...

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We All need a Lazarus Story

We All need a Lazarus Story

  IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN I firmly believe that this deep story of Lazarus is a gift to us today.  Wouldn’t we all right now want an experience to ‘just take all of this Coronavirus away’?...

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Jesus said to her,
      "I am the resurrection and the life."

John 11:25a

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