This Sunday at Saint Paul's

Flowers on the retable this Sunday are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for their children and grandchildren by Cass and Jim Huismann, and in honor of their 38th wedding anniversary.

We welcome The Reverend Penny Warrenback to Saint Paul’s pulpit and table. Thank you for leading our worship this week!

Thank you to the Worship Committee for hosting Coffee Hour; next week, the Ministers in Liturgy.

A parish-wide meeting will be held after the liturgy where the Wardens will share information on the process to call a new rector and our status in that process. Most importantly, the Wardens and Vestry want input from parishioners on what attributes and skills we should be seeking in a new rector and what we want prospective rectors to understand about who we are. If you are unable to attend but wish to share your thoughts, please feel free to email Senior Warden Meredith Johnson.

Worship at Saint Pauls

NEW! View The Year in Photos

(thanks to Angie Paulson for compiling and creating the video!)

Prayer Calendar

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Church of the Province of West Africa.

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Anglican Communion throughout the world and for the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; and for the Episcopal Church USA and the Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop. We also pray for the parishes of Saint Luke (Detroit Lakes, Hastings, Minneapolis, Rochester).

Pray for migrants, refugees, and displaced people throughout the world. Pray also for those in our country who have been taught to fear or hate people different than they are.

We are asked to reflect and devote prayers in honor and appreciation of 400 years of African American history and culture. Read more about this anniversary request from our Presiding Bishop.

Our Parish Prayer List can be found here.
If you wish to be visited by a member of our Pastoral Care Team (including our rector or deacon), request prayers for yourself or someone else on the Parish Prayer List, or simply make someone aware of an acute or ongoing need, please e-mail [email protected].

This list is maintained to assist you in praying for the parish and the larger community throughout the week. To add your friend or loved one to this list, e-mail Deacon Barbara with your request and any additional details: [email protected]. Your request will be shared with our pastoral care team, as well as Saint Paul’s clergy.


From the Organ Bench

Choir Diary for 10:00am Eucharist


Serving This Sunday

Steve Clarke
Helen Lockhart

Curt Kullberg
David Neal

Pat Trumbull

The Reverend
Penelope Warren

Kate Maxwell, OSB

Craig Carnahan
Tom Lockhart

Pat Champ
eucharistic minister

Jacob Manier
choirmaster & organist

Charles Peterson
master of ceremony

Team II
altar guild

Lu Whitney
Julia Yager

vestry tellers

Worship Committee
coffee hour hosts

Faith in Action

Joyce Uptown Food Shelf joyfully receives Saint Paul’s weekly donations. Our theme for September will be foods from other lands. Please bring items to church as part of your weekly offering, and place in baskets in the Narthex.

Step up to the Food Shelf Challenge: Bring TEN items in over the course of the tenth month – let’s fill the baskets each week!!

Upcoming Events

20 OCTOBER: The first Master Class will be held after Coffee Hour featuring author J.J. Austrian. Other community members will be leading discussions throughout the year related to their areas of expertise. Use our Facebook Event to invite your friends, and join us to waken your inner writer just in time for NaNoWriMo!

21 OCTOBER: LIVE from Saint Paul’s Church on the shores of beautiful Lake of the Isles, it’s your monthly Vestry meeting! The business meeting of the parish will transpire from 7:00-9:00pm in the Bishop Thurston Room. All are welcome to attend.


General Announcements

It only takes a spark (and 32¢) to get a fire going: Our votive candle stand is a beautiful symbol of our collective prayers coming into the light of Christ. When you light a votive, please consider leaving a contribution to help fund this amenity. Each four-hour candle costs Saint Paul’s $0.32 and recent donations have covered only 1/3 of the actual costs. Thank you!

Are you trying to discern a faithful response to the current migrant and refugee crisis in our country? Read these suggestions.
Two of our tenants outgrew their rental spaces in the Beim House and have moved elsewhere. If you know of any non-profit organizations in need of space (up to four offices), please contact Junior Warden Beth Carlson.
Consider a donation of flowers to grace the Sunday liturgy. Choose a date through 27 October, and your memorial will be printed in the announcements. Suggested donation for two vases of flowers is $45. Contact Kathy Kullberg with your request, then write a check to Saint Paul’s, noting Altar Guild flowers and date.
The Episcopal House of Prayer in the City invites all to join for their weekly Contemplative Prayer Practice each Monday at 6:30pm in the Auxiliary Classroom. If you are new and would like an orientation, feel free to come at 6:00pm.


Food Shelves

Have you taken the Saint Paul’s Food Shelf Challenge?

Step up to the Food Shelf Challenge: Bring NINE items in over the course of the ninth month – let’s fill the baskets each week!!

Pastoral Care

Recurring Events

1st Wed 1-3p Saint Lydia’s Circle
3rd Mon 7-9pm Vestry meeting

Saint Paul’s Leadership

Kelly Belanger

Meredith Johnson
vestry senior warden

Beth Carlson
vestry junior warden

From the Pulpit

Catch up on our most recent sermons

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon

  IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN [May 31, 2020] The following is the text of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon from the Washington National Cathedral service that was live-streamed on...

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We All need a Lazarus Story

We All need a Lazarus Story

  IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN I firmly believe that this deep story of Lazarus is a gift to us today.  Wouldn’t we all right now want an experience to ‘just take all of this Coronavirus away’?...

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Jesus said to her,
      "I am the resurrection and the life."

John 11:25a

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