We welcome The Reverend Nancy Brantingham back to Saint Paul’s as presider this week. Thank you for your leadership!
Thank you to the Pastoral Care Team for hosting Coffee Hour this week; next week, the Worship Committee.
There is still time to register for Saint Paul’s Twelfth Night celebration! We will start at 6:00pm with appetizers and wassail, feasting, and a traditional King Cake. Childcare provided. Contact Kathy Kullbergby Friday to add your name to the list.
The cost: $15; the experience: priceless!
Scheduled Liturgy Leadership
5 Jan: Kate Maxwell, OSB (preacher)
The Rev. Nancy Brantingham (presider)
12 Jan: The Rev. Lydia Huttar Brown
19 Jan: The Rev. Anna Ostenso Moore
26 Jan: The Rev. Richard Cogill
Prayer Calendar
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for youth ministries within the Episcopal Church in Minnesota, especially for those who are involved with Teens Encounter Christ; for Circle of the Beloved; and all those in our faith community who are involved with faith formation ministries with children, youth, and young adults. Please also pray for the Convention to Elect the X Bishop of Minnesota on 25 January. We also pray for the parishes of the Epiphany (Plymouth, Saint Paul).
Pray for migrants, refugees, and displaced people throughout the world. Pray also for those in our country who have been taught to fear or hate people different than they are.
We are asked to reflect and devote prayers in honor and appreciation of 400 years of African American history and culture. Read more about this anniversary request from our Presiding Bishop.
Our Parish Prayer List can be found here.
If you wish to be visited by a member of our Pastoral Care Team (including our rector or deacon), request prayers for yourself or someone else on the Parish Prayer List, or simply make someone aware of an acute or ongoing need, please e-mail [email protected].
This list is maintained to assist you in praying for the parish and the larger community throughout the week. To add your friend or loved one to this list, e-mail Deacon Barbara with your request and any additional details: [email protected]. Your request will be shared with our pastoral care team, as well as Saint Paul’s clergy.
Our votive candle stand is a beautiful symbol of our collective prayers coming into the light of Christ. When you light a votive, please consider leaving a contribution to help fund this amenity.
From the Organ Bench
Choir Diary for 10:00am Eucharist
Serving This Sunday
Angie Paulson
Barb Smith
Norm Mitchell
David Neal
Jim Smith
The Reverend
Nancy Brantingham
The Reverend
Barbara del Caro Scaia
Kate Maxwell, OSB
preacher, subdeacon
John Harrer
Deb Jones
Julie L’Enfant
Mary Neal
eucharistic ministers
Jacob Manier
choirmaster, organist
Steve Clarke
master of ceremony
Team I
altar guild
Beth Carlson
John Harrer
vestry tellers
Pastoral Care Team
coffee hour hosts
Faith in Action
Joyce Uptown Food Shelf joyfully receives Saint Paul’s weekly donations. We will continue our Advent/Christmas practice of using the blue Advent Calendar bag (available in the Narthex) through Epiphany as well. Following the guide sheet inside, collect and bless one item each day. Drop off your donations in the bins at Saint Paul’s as needed.
Upcoming Events
5 JANUARY: Twelfth Night will be celebrated at Saint Paul’s at 6:00pm with appetizers and wassail, feasting, and a traditional King Cake. Childcare provided. Sign up at church, or contact Kathy Kullberg.
The cost: $15; the experience: priceless!
6 JANUARY: The Building & Grounds Commission will convene THIS MONDAY at 7:00pm. The meeting is open to all – if you’re curious about what they do, or already know you’d like to join, please come!
19 JANUARY: Saint Paul’s Master Class Series next features composer Monte Mason, who will discuss musical creativity: “Mine, and others’, down through the ages – and I mean like 40,000 years ago.” Join him in the Kellogg Room after the liturgy at 11:15am.
26 JANUARY: The Annual Meeting of Saint Paul’s parish community will be held following the liturgy on this day. Please make plans to attend this important gathering during our transition period. The business of the church affects us all, and your voice matters!
General Announcements
Coffee Hour Corner
Pastoral Care
Saint Paul’s Leadership
Food Shelf
From the Pulpit
Catch up on our most recent sermons
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon
IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN [May 31, 2020] The following is the text of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Pentecost sermon from the Washington National Cathedral service that was live-streamed on...
We All need a Lazarus Story
IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT ONE…WHO CREATED THE SUN AND THE MOON AND THE EARTH AND THE STARS…AMEN I firmly believe that this deep story of Lazarus is a gift to us today. Wouldn’t we all right now want an experience to ‘just take all of this Coronavirus away’?...
Jesus said to her,
"I am the resurrection and the life."