If you wish to join by telephone, dial 312-626-6799.
Prayer Calendar
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Church of North India.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for all who serve those in need of food, clothing, and warm spaces during the cold winter months; for all ministries for our youngest members within the Episcopal Church in Minnesota; and for all those in our faith community who are involved with faith formation ministries with children, youth, and young adults. We also pray for the parishes of Saint Paul (Brainerd, Duluth, Minneapolis, Owatonna, Winona).
Saint Paul’s weekly Parish Prayer List can be found here. If you wish to be contacted by a member of our Pastoral Care Team and/or priest, request prayers for yourself or someone else on the Parish Prayer List, or simply make someone aware of an acute or ongoing need, click the blue button below.
Common Book of Prayer & The Hymnal 1982
Paul Carlson
Beth Carlson
Pat Trumbull
Tom Lockhart
The Reverend
Ramona Scarpace
presider, preacher
Laura Austrian
Meredith Johnson
Jacob Manier
choirmaster, organist
Angie Paulson
vestry announcer
Team IV
altar guild
Beth Carlson
Laurie Larsen
Laurie Larsen
Tom Lockhart
vestry tellers
Upcoming Events
19 JAN: “Futurescape Beloved Community*:
What would a Beloved Community economy look like? Join Gene in the Undercroft TONIGHT from 7-8PM.
*rescheduled from December
29 JAN: The Annual Meeting will be held following the morning’s liturgy in the Undercroft (in person only). Everyone is welcome and needed to conduct the business of being the church in the world!
1 FEB: A Celebration of New Ministryfor the calling of Rev. Ramona Scarpace as our Rector will be celebrated by Bishop Craig Loya at 6:00PM. Please join us for this special evening – all are welcome!
View all of our events on our Event Calendar page!
Faith in Action
General Announcements
You can help make them grow: invite people to visit, then graciously greet and welcome newcomers each week!
(things you may have missed)
- NEW! Blessing o’ Animals
- NEW! September APM
Pastoral Care
Saint Paul’s Leadership
(click a name to email)
Ramona Scarpace
Rector (NEW!)
The Reverend
Janet MacNally
Mark Anderson
vestry senior warden
Steve Riendl
vestry junior warden
Gene Tierney
vestry junior warden
Tom Lockhart
vestry treasurer
Jacob Manier
Pamela Hofstadter
Kelly Belanger
Jesus said to her,
"I am the resurrection and the life."