Prepare now to participate in our next book discussion group!
Beginning September 24, Rev. Penny Warren will lead a series of ten Tuesday evening sessions discussing Marianne H. Micks’ Loving the Questions: An Exploration of the Nicene Creed (Church Publishing Incorporated, 2004). Each session will begin at 7:00PM; follow this Zoom sign-in link.
Loving the Questions is a series of reflections on the fourth-century statement of the Christian faith that we are asked to recite nearly every
Sunday. In short, easily accessible chapters, Micks outlines the historical background of the Nicene Creed and outlines its theological, communal, and personal relevance today. This is how the book’s forward by Rosemari Sullivan describes it and its author:
In the book you are about to read, you will encounter a crisp and challenging teacher, Marianne Hoffman Micks. Mixy, as she preferred to be known, challenged those of us fortunate enough to have had her in class, just as I hope she will challenge you, to “love the questions.” The important fact about loving questions is that you must be willing to ask the questions to find all that is “unsolved in your heart.” Inviting her students to articulate questions and to think deeply about them was part of Mixy’s gift as an educator. Mixy continually encouraged her students to accept nothing without full consideration.
Loving the Questions is available from Church Publishing Inc, Amazon, and other book sellers, in paperback or digital form – order your copy today! For further information and/or to indicate your interest in participating, enter your information HERE.