If you wish to join by telephone, dial 312-626-6799.
Prayer Calendar
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Church in the Province of the West Indies.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for all academic graduates, educational institutions, and the specialized chaplaincies in those institutions: remembering especially ECMN’s School for Formation, Breck School, and Shattuck-Saint Mary’s and their chaplains; Circle of the Beloved, University Episcopal Community, and all those who work with campus ministries. We also pray for La Misión El Santo Niño Jesús (Saint Paul).
Saint Paul’s Parish Prayer List can be found here.
If you wish to be contacted by a member of our Pastoral Care Team and/or priest, request prayers for yourself or someone else on the Parish Prayer List, or simply make someone aware of an acute or ongoing need, click the blue button below:
Common Book of Prayer & The Hymnal 1982
Angie Paulson
Gene Tierney
Jim Smith
The Reverend
Ramona Scarpace
presider, preacher
Bryan Jones
Gene Terney
vestry announcer
Jacob Manier
choirmaster, organist
Team III
altar guild
Laurie Larsen
Meredith Johnson
Caytie Anderson
Frank Johnson
vestry tellers
Upcoming Events
28 MAY:The Feast of Pentecost will be celebrated at 10:00AM. This is also the final Sunday of the program year for our Choir. Coffee and special desserts will follow the liturgy; details to come. Plan your red regalia now!
4 June: On Trinity Sunday we welcome the Rev. Dr. Penelope Warren as guest presider and preacher for the 10:00AM Eucharist.
13 JUNE: June’s Vestry meeting is scheduled for 7:00-9:00PM in the Conference Room. All are welcome to attend the general proceedings. If you have an item to add to the agenda, please contact Rev. Ramona or one of the Wardens.
14 JUNE: … and the dinner is easy! Join us for summertime “Wings and a Prayer” suppers from 6:00-7:15PM. Saint Paul’s will provide the main course (wings/brats/burger/etc) for the monthly gathering; you can bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. Next events: July 12 and August 16.
Faith in Action
May’s food shelf donation theme is SNACKS: pantry-friendly items such as nuts, granola, fruit leather, applesauce cups, etc. Each week place your items in the bins outside the Undercroft.
Donations in Eastertide will be shared with Saint Nicholas Food Shelf in Richfield, which provides assistance to 80 families each week. Email
Laurie (or call 612-849-1348) to help with delivery.
From Joyce Uptown Foodshelf:
“Monetary donations are the most helpful and can be made through the PayPal link here or sent to Joyce Uptown at 3041 Fremont Ave S, Minneapolis 55408. For every $1.00 donated we can purchase $2.20 of food from our foodbanks.”
Saint Paul’s Little Library can always use more recent adult fictionand children’s picture books.
Your continued generosity helps make this neighborhood outreach possible – thank you.
The Ukraine Crisis Response Fund is still accepting donations to aid those displaced by the Russian invasion. Donate here.
General Announcements
Fall Book Study: Loving the Questions
Beginning September 24, Rev. Penny Warren will lead a series of ten Tuesday evening sessions discussing Marianne H. Micks’ Loving the Questions: An Exploration of the Nicene Creed (Church Publishing Incorporated, 2004). Each session will begin at 7:00PM; follow this Zoom sign-in link.
The Official Episcopal Pride Shield
The design retains the upper-left blue corner of The Episcopal Church’s shield logo and incorporates elements of the traditional Pride flag as well as the Progress Pride flag and Philadelphia Pride flag. In their use of black, brown, pink, and light-blue diagonal...
Last week 49 peoplewere in the pews, and 10 more joined us via Zoom.
You can play a part in growing these numbers: Invite people to visit, then graciously greet and welcome newcomers each week!
For those who love data, click the link to see our Sunday and year-to-date numbers.
You can help make them grow: invite people to visit, then graciously greet and welcome newcomers each week!
Pastoral Care
Saint Paul’s Leadership
(click a name to email)
Ramona Scarpace
Rector (NEW!)
The Reverend
Janet MacNally
Mark Anderson
vestry senior warden
Steve Riendl
vestry junior warden
Gene Tierney
vestry junior warden
Tom Lockhart
vestry treasurer
Jacob Manier
Pamela Hofstadter
Kelly Belanger
created from parishioner responses, 29 January 2023
Jesus said to her,
"I am the resurrection and the life."