To view our offerings on Zoom, log on by clicking this link, or by visiting our website and clicking the “Connect on Zoom” button.
If you wish to join by telephone, dial 312-626-6799.
     Meeting ID: 122 776 310 (followed by # if via phone)
     Passcode: 1917
This ID and passcode are used for all online content at Saint Paul’s.

This Sunday at Saint Paul's

Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.”   John 9:3

Feast of the Holy Family

Celebrate Laetare Sunday with us at 10:00AM, either in the pews or via Zoom (instructions above); the morning’s bulletin is available to view or download.

Coffee Hour fellowship will follow the liturgy in the Undercroft.

A Faith In Action opportunity: Harvest Pack is a local organization which packages meals for people experiencing food insecurity. Saint Paul’s has expressed interest in hosting a meal packing event in our Undercroft. Come to a Coffee Hour presentation to learn how we can partner with the work they engage in!

Prayer Calendar

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Anglican Church of Southern Africa.

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for those involved in specialized licensed ministries throughout the Episcopal Church in Minnesota including lay preachers, worship leaders, catechists, Eucharistic ministers and visitors, and lay readers; and for our musicians and worship committees. We also pray for the parish of the Good Shepherd (Windom).

Saint Paul’s Parish Prayer List can be found here.
If you wish to be contacted by a member of our Pastoral Care Team and/or priest, request prayers for yourself or someone else on the Parish Prayer List, or simply make someone aware of an acute or ongoing need, click the blue button below:

Common Book of Prayer & The Hymnal 1982

provided for your prayers and meditations, and song


Barb Smith
Gene Tierney

Beth & Paul

Jim Smith

The Reverend 
Ramona Scarpace
presider, preacher

Tom Lockhart
Audie Munn

Jacob Manier
choirmaster, organist

Gene Tierney
vestry announcer

Team III
altar guild

Meredith Johnson
Julie L’Enfant

Tom Lockhart
vestry tellers

The Pastoral Care Team has a request for all: Take a few minutes every day to call someone to see how they are doing – to reach out and say a prayer with them and/or find out if they need anything. If there are those who need help, please let us know and we will figure out how to assist; if you are that person, please reach out to Reverend Ramona or Pat Trumbull. As Jesus said: Love one another.

Upcoming Events

The Programming Guide for Winter/Spring 2023 has arrived! You may view and download both the letter from parish leadership and the Guide here:

Worship and Programming Guide Feb-May 2023

18 MAR: Saint Paul’s magnificent organ will be a featured stop for Michael Barone’s Before Bach’s Birthday Bash, alongside the instruments at Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Hennepin Methodist, First Unitarian, and Lake of the Isles Lutheran. Our Dobson’s concert will be 4:00-5:00PM. More information can be found on the Twin Cities’ AGO website

19 MAR: Our Faith In Action opportunity: Harvest Pack is a local organization which packages meals for people experiencing food insecurity. Saint Paul’s has expressed interest in hosting a meal packing event in our Undercroft. Come to a Coffee Hour presentation to learn how we can partner with the work they engage in!

21 MAR: Journeying with Saint Paul: Final installment of a series on the life of Saint Paul the Apostle, taught by Rev. Ramona. Walk with Paul on his faith journey: explore his writings, travels, and how he lived into being a follower of Jesus. 7:00-8:15PM on Zoom (instructions above). The first two sessions may be viewed on our YouTube Faith Formation playlist.

29 MAR: Soup and a Psalm: Join us on the last Wednesday of Lent for a simple meal, prayer, and fellowship from 6:00-7:15PM. The menu includes soup (vegan option available), salads, cheese, bread, and dessert. Invite family and friends – all are welcome!

View all of our events on our Event Calendar page!


Faith in Action

March’s food shelf donation theme is BAKING MIXES: boxed cake/muffin/bread mix, oil, shortening, baking spray, etc. Each week place your items in the baskets outside the Undercroft. Email Laurie (or call 612-849-1348) to help with delivery to the site of your choice. 

From Joyce Uptown Foodshelf:
“Monetary donations are the most helpful and can be made through the PayPal link here or sent to Joyce Uptown at 3041 Fremont Ave S, Minneapolis 55408. For every $1.00 donated we can purchase $2.20 of food from our foodbanks.”

Saint Paul’s Little Library always needs recent adult fiction and children’s picture books. Your generosity is appreciated!
The Ukraine Crisis Response Fund is still accepting donations to aid those displaced by the Russian invasion. Donate here.
And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:40

General Announcements

HELP NEEDED: Ministers in Liturgy and Hospitality Hosts are desperately needed for Lent and Holy Week. Please look ahead to check your availability, then visit our Google sheet to sign up for a position or two or more; helpful customaries will be emailed. Contact Jacob with questions regarding the MIL, or Laurie Larsen regarding easier-than-ever Hosting.

Do you enjoy baking? Are you looking for a way to be more involved in the worship experience, but in a behind-the-scenes capacity? Read this article about the return of baked loaves to the Eucharistic table at Saint Paul’s, and how you can participate!

Worship Committee to reconvene: Would you like to help plan our Sunday worship services with Rev. Ramona? A committee will be formed in mid-March to plan services starting with Pentecost, May 25; time commitment is approximately six one-hour meetings per year. Please contact Rev. Ramona if you are interested.

The Right Rev. Craig Loya will confirm and receive people into the Episcopal Church on Saturday, 29 April at Saint Mark’s Cathedral. Is the Spirit calling you to live more fully into your faith journey… continue reading

Adorn the retable with flowers to mark important occasions or people in your life. Reserve the date you wish to give flowers on the kiosk in the Undercroft with your name and your desired thanksgiving/memorial. Payment can be made via Realm or a check made out to Saint Paul’s Church, with “flowers” in the memo; suggested donation $50.

If you know a parishioner who would benefit from receiving our weekly E-pistle newsletter via snail mail in printed form, please email Angie.

Do you have an announcement for Saint Paul’s parish-at-large? Submit your news to the E-pistle, or call Angie at 612-483-4187 by noon on Thursdays.

For those who love data, click the link to see our service numbers from last week, and our 2023 Sunday average. You can help make these numbers rise: invite people to visit, then graciously greet and welcome newcomers each week!


Church News

Fall Book Study: Loving the Questions

Beginning September 24, Rev. Penny Warren will lead a series of ten Tuesday evening sessions discussing Marianne H. Micks’ Loving the Questions: An Exploration of the Nicene Creed (Church Publishing Incorporated, 2004). Each session will begin at 7:00PM; follow this Zoom sign-in link.

Church News

The Official Episcopal Pride Shield

The design retains the upper-left blue corner of The Episcopal Church’s shield logo and incorporates elements of the traditional Pride flag as well as the Progress Pride flag and Philadelphia Pride flag. In their use of black, brown, pink, and light-blue diagonal...

The official Espiscopal Pride Shield
NEW! For those who love data, click the link to see our Sunday and year-to-date numbers.
You can help make them grow: invite people to visit, then graciously greet and welcome newcomers each week!
(things you may have missed)
Our channels:
Subscribe to our Bridge of Song playlist, now on YouTube.  Is there a hymn or song you’re particularly longing to hear, your requests are welcome, and may be e-mailed to Jacob Manier. Click the thumbnail of the video you would like hear to play.

Food Shelves

Have you taken the Saint Paul’s Food Shelf Challenge?

The need for grocery assistance never wanes. Let’s fill the baskets each week!! Donate today!

Upcoming Events

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team has a request for all: as we practice our social distancing, do not let that extend to social isolation. Take a few minutes every day to call someone to see how they are doing – to reach out and say a prayer with them and/or find out if they need anything. One of the things that is so important right now is to connect with our community. If there are those who need help, please let us know and we will figure out how to assist; if you are that person, please reach out to Deacon Janet or Pat Trumbull. As Jesus said: Love one another.

Saint Paul’s Leadership

(click a name to email)

Ramona Scarpace
Rector (NEW!)

The Reverend
Janet MacNally


Mark Anderson
vestry senior warden

Steve Riendl
vestry junior warden

Gene Tierney
vestry junior warden

Tom Lockhart
vestry treasurer

Jacob Manier

Pamela Hofstadter

Kelly Belanger

created from parishioner responses, 29 January 2023


created from parishioner responses, 29 January 2023


Jesus said to her,
      "I am the resurrection and the life."

John 11:25a

SAINT PAUL'S, IN SO MANY WORDS II created from parishioner responses, 29 January 2023

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