The E-pistle – Saint Pauls’ Weekly e-Newsletter

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the assembly of the upright, in the congregation.”
~Psalm 111:1

Sunday 12 August 2018

Your Weekly E-pistle for 12 August 2018   Groveland and Joyce Uptown Food Shelves joyfully receive Saint Paul's weekly donations of personal care and non-perishable food. Please bring items to church as part of your weekly offering, and place in the baskets at...

E-pistle 5 Aug 2018

Your Weekly E-pistle for 05 August 2018 Retable flowers are offered to the glory of God by Jim and Ging Ross, in memory of Christopher James Ross. Groveland and Joyce Uptown Food Shelves joyfully receive Saint Paul's weekly donations of personal care and...

E-pistle Past Issues

With the new re-build of our website, the following past issues of the E-pistle can be viewed in this archive: 08/02/2018 - Eleven Sundays after Pentecost down; only sixteen to go! Your E-pistle will see you through it. 07/26/2018 - Best wishes, Rev. Peggy!!...

Jesus said to her,
      "I am the resurrection and the life."

John 11:25a